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关于William F. Hyde教授来校进行学术报告的通知

来源:   作者:   发布日期:2016-10-17     浏览次数:


  讲座题目:Forest Reform: Global Lessons from China’s Experience

  报  告  人:William F. Hyde

  地        点:学院603会议室

  时        间:10月21日16:00-18:00



  William F. Hyde


  Hyde is a forester, economist and policy analyst with MA, MS, and PhD degrees from American University and the University of Michigan.  He was a senior researcher at Resources for the Future before joining the faculty at Duke University where he also directed the Center for Resource and Environmental Policy Research.  He subsequently directed a national project on water quality at the US government’s Economic Research Service, before serving a term as forestry department head at Virginia Tech.Hehas participated on the editorial boards of seven international economics and forestry research journals, including a term as editor of Forest Science, the leading international research journal for forestry.Bill is currently retired, living in Colorado in the USA from where he continues to collaborate on forest research projects with colleagues from around the world.  This is his 28th trip to China and his 2nd visit to Northwest Agricultural and Forest University.


  Hyde’s research covers a range of forest policy and management issues: timber supply; public forest management and government regulation of private forestry; fuelwood, recreation, endangered species management; community forestry and forestry’s impacts on communities; agroforestry; and investments in forest research.  His experience includes technical observations from, and research participation in, almost 40 countries.  He has published over 100 professional papers and books, including, Timber Supply and Land Allocation (1980),the World Bank manual on Forest Economics and Policy Analysis (1990), China’s Forests:  Global Lessons from Market Reforms (co-authored and co-edited with Brian Belcher and Xu Jintao, 2003) and, most recently, The Global Economics of Forestry (2012).

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