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来源:   作者:   发布日期:2014-09-25     浏览次数:







1997年8月-1999年12月,就读于美国密苏里大学-哥伦比亚分校(University of Missouri-Columbia)商学院,获工商管理学士(B.S. in Business Administration)学位

2000年9月-2007年5月,在美国密苏里大学-哥伦比亚分校(University of Missouri-Columbia)农业、食品及自然资源学院农业经济系,获农商管理(Agribusiness Management)硕士和博士




1995年10月-1997年8月,在美国密苏里大学-哥伦比亚分校(University of Missouri-Columbia)做访问学者

2000年9月-2007年6月,在美国密苏里大学-哥伦比亚分校(University of Missouri-Columbia)任农业经济系助研(Research Assistant)(期间于2007年1-5月兼任助教Teaching Assistant)

2007年11月-2008年9月在密苏里大学McQuinn Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership,任博士后研究人员(with Peter Klein)(兼)

2008年5月-8月在加拿大卡尔顿大学(Carleton University) 公共事务学院经济学系任教

2008年9月-  在yh0612cc银河农业经济系任教



1.学科领域:农业经济学(Agricultural Economics), 新制度经济学(New Institutional Economics), 食品经济学(Food Economics), 发展经济学(Development Economics), 卫生经济学(Health Economics)。

2.研究方向:食品安全(Food Safety);农业、食品与健康(Agriculture,food and Health);农业及农村可持续发展(Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development);创业(Entrepreneurship)。



《农业经济学》(Agricultural Economics),Carleton University, Summer 2008,Under-graduate;《农林经济学》(西北农林科技大学本科课程),2009年秋季学期;《科研基本方法》(西北农林科技大学本科课程),2009、2010年秋季学期;经济学管理学前沿(新制度经济学部分)(西北农林科技大学博士生课程),2008、2009、2010年秋季学期;《食品安全管理》(西北农林科技大学本科课程),2011、2012年秋季学期; 《发展经济学》(Development Economics) (西北农林科技大学国际学院硕士全英文课程), 2014年秋季学期; 《新生研讨课》(社会科学-关于人的动机与行为的科学领域)(西北农林科技大学本科生),2014年秋季学期;《农业经济学》(Agricultural Economics) (西北农林科技大学本科课程,全英文授课),2015、2016秋季学期;《食品经济与管理研究进展》(西北农林科技大学硕士课程),2015年春季学期;《食品安全管理》(西北农林科技大学本科课程),2016年秋季学期。


1.Xue, J., “China’s Economic Reform and Openness Policy,” a part of the “Training Course on Soil & Water Conservation and Dryland Farming for Developing Countries,” organized by Chinese Ministry of Commerce, April 9, 11, May 14, June 7, September 2, 2013 and May 22, 2014, Yangling, Shaanxi, China.

2.Xue, J., “Agricultural Policy, Agribusiness Management and Sustainable Development,” a part of “Ministerial Seminar on Agricultural Development and Agribusiness Management for Developing Countries,” organized by Chinese Ministry of Commerce, November 6, 2011 and November 3, 2012, Xi’an; November 29, 2013, Yangling; May 26,2015,Yangling;November 3, Xi'an,2015 .

3.Xue, J., 'China's Rural Reform and Its Ralation to Economic Development,' Seminar for Russian OSAU Group, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, China, December 15, 2015.

4.Xue, J., 'Is obesity also a food security problem?' Guest Lecture, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany, June 10, 2015

5.Xue, J., “Emerging food safety issues in the context of changing food system in China,” Guest Lecture, University ofHohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany, July 2nd, 2014.

6.Xue, J., “Life Style and Social Changes in Urban China - Eating, Housing, Commuting and Communication.”Guest Lecture, University of Waterloo, Canada,March 24, 2014



1.教育部海外名师合作项目, “环境污染与健康”、“水资源管理”,100 万元, 2010-2015, 项目主持人。

2.行为科学与创业动机结构的计量模型研究,国家社会科学基金,面上项目,12万元,2010, 项目主持人。



1.Zhang, W., and Xue, J.,* Economically Motivated Food Fraud and Adulteration in China: An analysis based on 1,553 media reports, Food Control, 2016.[Forthcoming] . [SCI; corresponding author]

2.Tang, J., Folmer, H., Xue, J. Adoption of Irrigation Water-saving Techniques in the Guanzhong Plain, China. Agricultural Economics, 2016.[Forthcoming; SSCI]

3.Tang,J., Folmer, H., Xue, J. Technical and Allocative Efficiency of Irrigation Water Use in the Guanzhong Plain, China. Food Policy, 2015,(5)0:43-52.[SSCI]

4.Li, Z., Folmer, H. and Xue, J . “To What Extent Does Air Pollution Affect Happiness? The Case of the Jinchuan Mining Area, China,” Ecological Economics, Vol. 99 (2014), 88―99.[SCI、SSCI]

5.Hussain, K. and Xue, J .*, “Does Regionalism Promote Intra-Regional Trade? The Case of ECO,” Journal of Business Economics and Finance, 29 (343), 2014, 45-70. [SSCI; corresponding author]

6.Xue, J .and Zhang, W. “Understanding China's Food Safety Problem: An Analysis of 2,387 Incidents of Acute Foodborne Illness,” Food Control, Vol. 30, No. 1 (2013), 311-317.  [SCI]

7.Tang, J., Folmer, H. and Xue, J. “Estimation of Awareness and Perception of Water Scarcity among Farmers in the Guanzhong Plain, China, by Means of a Structural Equation Model,” Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 126 (2013), 55-62. [SCI ]

8.Tang, J., Folmer, H., van der Vlist, A.J. and Xue, J ., “The Impacts of Management Reform on Irrigation Water Use Efficiency in the Guanzhong Plain, China,” Papers in Regional Science, first published online: September 30, 2013, DOI: 10.111/pirs. 12064. [ISI]

9.Hussain, K. and Xue, J .*, “What Causes Low Intra-Regional Trade in ECO? A Panel Data Gravity Model Analysis,” Metalurgia International, Vol. XVIII, No. 11 (2013), 75-78. Corresponding author. [EI; Corresponding author]

10.Xue, J .and Klein, P., “Environmental Determinants of Technology Entrepreneurship,” International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, Vol. 1, No.3 (2010), 291-308.

11.Xue, J ., “Universities and the Next Generation of Entrepreneurship,” Journal of the World Universities Forum, Vol, 1, No.4 (2008), 55-60. [Also chosen as a chapter in the book, Social Entrepreneurship and Microfinance, edited by Jonathan H. Westover, published by On the Organization, 2013].






17.姚植夫、薛建宏* , 新生代农民工市民化意愿影响因素分析,《人口学刊》2014年3月,总第205期,36卷。[通讯作者]

18.贺妙、薛建宏*, 基于结构方程模型的知识型中年消费者网络购物意向分析-以陕西省为例,《企业经济》2014年6月,总第406期。[通讯作者]

19.钟杨、薛建宏*,农户参与生猪保险行为及其影响因素的实证分析- 以四川省广元市为例,《中国畜牧杂志》,2014年,第50卷,第6期。[通讯作者]

20.王妹娟、薛建宏* , 农村居民固体废弃物治理服务支付意愿研究-以河北省魏县为例 ,《世界农业》2014年7月,总423期。[通讯作者]




1.Xue, J. “Obesity: Double Jeopardy for Society,” The Institute of Health Care & Public Management, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany, July 1st, 2014.

2.Xue, J., “The Epidemic of Human Adiposity and Its Impact on the Environment,” Sixth International Conference on Climate: Impacts and Responses, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 27-28, 2014.

3.Xue, J.,“Challenges and Solutions for China’s Food Security - The Perspective of Canada-China Agricultural Trade,” National Food Security Forum, February 19-20, 2014, University of Guelph, Canada.

4.Xue, J., “Food Safety: A Matter of Food Quality, Quantity and Choice,” The 1stAnnual World Congress of Nutrition and Health, October 12-14, 2013, Dalian, China.

5.Xue, J ., “Emerging Food Safety Issues in the Environment of Changing Food System in China,” Germany-China Forum on Animal Pharmacy and Animal-Derived Food Safety, September 14, 2013 Yangling, China.

6.Xue, J., “Professional Imposed Economic Transactions and Their Implications to Ethical Education in Universities,” Sixth World Universities Forum , 10-11 January 2013, UBC, Vancouver, Canada.

7.Folmer, H. and Xue, J ., “Why Has Dutch Agriculture Been So Successful? Suggestions to Improve Agricultural and Rural Development in China,” Rural Entrepreneurship Forum, November 20, 2012, Yangling, Shaanxi, China.

8.Xue, J. , Zhang, X. and Wei, J., “The Impact of Climate Change on Dry-Land Crop Production in the Yellow River Region: A Spatial Econometric Approach,” The Fourth International Conference on Climate Change: Impacts and Responses, July 12-13, 2012, University of Washington, Seattle, U.S.A.

9.Charlebois, S . , andXue, J ., “Rising Animal Food Production and Consumption in China and its Potential Impact on Food Security and Safety,” Global Development Symposium, May 8, 2012 in Guelph, Canada.

10.Xue, J ., “Urbanization and the Changing Food System in China: Impacts on Human Health and the Environment,” China-Canada Sustainable Urban Food Systems, Workshop, April 17-19, 2012, Nanjing University, China.

11.Xue, J ., and Zhang, W., “Food Safety Issues in China,” Guelph Food Safety Seminar Series, February 14, 2012, University of Guelph, Guelph, Canada.

12.Xue, J ., “Environmental Impact of Obesity: from the Perspective of Food Ecology,” The 8th International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, January 10-12, 2012, UBC, Vancouver, Canada.

13.Xue, J .and Folmer, H., “Making Land-Use Planning an Imperative Policy Handle for China’s Sustainable Development: A Proposal for an Institutional Framework,” PACE 2011 International Symposium on China’s Environment, Economy and Policy: Workshop and Summer Camp on Resources and Environmental Economics, July 12-16, 2011, Hangzhou, China.

14.Xue, J ., “The Role of Standard and China’s Rural Sustainable Development,” International Agri-science Forum, November 1-3, 2010, Yangling, Shaanxi, China.

15.Xue, J ., “Accounting for Missing Pieces: The Needham Puzzle Revisited,” The 3rd Conference of the International Forum for Contemporary Chinese Studies: New Perspectives on China’s Development in the Post-Crisis Period, September 17-19, 2010, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China.

16.Xue, J ., “Current Issues in China’s Rural Development- an Analytical Review,” Sustainable Ecosystem Services and Poverty Alleviation in China: Changes, Challenges and Strategies for the Next Decade, ESPA Workshop, September 16, 2010, Beijing, China.


18.薛建宏,“现代农庄发展趋势与展望,” 第22届杨凌农高会农民创业论坛,2015年11月6日,陕西杨凌。


1.Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences (2010)

2.Food Policy (2011)

3.International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development (2011, 2012)

4.Networks and Spatial Economics (2011)

5.Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (2013)

6.Food Control(2016)

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