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会议通知 | 中德农业食物系统可持续发展论坛暨中德农业与食物经济研究中心揭牌仪式

来源:   作者:   发布日期:2023-10-17     浏览次数:




Sino-German Forum on Sustainable Development of Agri-Food System

and Opening Ceremony of the Sino-German Center for Agricultural and Food Economics


Forum Notice


Forum Date: 4th-5th November, 2023

二、会议地点:中国·杨凌 西北农林科技大学(南校区)yh0612cc银河

Forum Location: College of Economics and Management, Northwest A&F University (South Campus), Yangling, China


Forum Theme: Sustainable Development of Agri-Food System


Sponsor: College of Economics and Management, Northwest A&F University


Organizer: Sino-German Center for Agricultural and Food Economics


 Background: The food system is the foundation of human survival and one of the core issues of global sustainable development. The Sino-German Forum on the Sustainable Development of Agri-Food Systems was jointly initiated by the Sino-German Center for Agricultural and Food Economics of the School of Economics and Management at Northwest A&F University and the Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO). It invited researchers, policy makers, and entrepreneurs from China, Germany, and international organizations to focus on how to formulate and implement sustainable agricultural policies How to utilize market mechanisms to promote sustainable development, how to integrate green concepts into the entire agricultural production process, and how to strengthen international cooperation for in-depth exchanges. This forum provides a useful exchange platform for cooperation between China and Germany in the field of agriculture, jointly exploring the future development direction of the agricultural food system, with the aim of further promoting academic cooperation between China and Germany in the field of agriculture and promoting the development and progress of international agriculture.

七、支持期刊:《西北农林科技大学学报(社会科学版)》《Environmental Impact Assessment Review》

Supporting Journal: Journal of Northwest A&F University (Social Science Edition), Environmental Impact Assessment Review










1. Forum fee: No registration fee will be charged for this forum. The forum team provides a buffet, and participants will be responsible for their own transportation and accommodation.

2. Attendance Receipt: In order to arrange the meeting reasonably, participants are requested to fill out the attendance receipt before 24:00 on October 27, 2023: Receipt.

3. Report content: Please send the report PPT to the forum team email before 24:00 on October 31, 2023 scafe2023@126.com Please indicate the theme of the "Sino-German Forum on Sustainable Development of Agri-Food System " and name the document "University-Name -Report Topic".

4. Transportation information: If choosing a train/bullet train, you can choose "Yangling Station" or "Yangling South Station". After arriving at the station, you can take a taxi to the school. If there is no direct route to "Yangling Station"/"Yangling South Station", you can choose to transfer to "Xi'an Station"/"Xi'an North Station"/"Xianyang Station" and get off at Yangling. If you choose a plane and arrive at Xi'an Xianyang Airport, you can take the airport bus directly to "Yangling South Station".

5. Registration: The registered location for this meeting is "Tangyue Lakeside Hotel" (Tangyue Lakeside Apartment, Binhe East Road, Yangling District, Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province). The registration time is from 9:00 to 21:00 on November 3, 2023 (experts who have not reported at that time can choose to report at the lobby of the College of Economics and Management on November 4 from 8:00 to 8:30).

6. Website: /scafe/

7. Meeting schedule: Registration on November 3rd, forum report on November 4th, visit to the agricultural demonstration area on the morning of November 5th, and departure in the afternoon.

联系人/Contact Person:

李晓磊 Xioalei Li 15827544918

王运昌 Yunchang Wang 18701215715

黄禄臣 Luchen Huang 15979032079
